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The popular step-down converter with MP2315 from aliexpress was replaced by a fake chip. Check your inventory to see if you have it at home too. It can damage your equipment. How to recognize it?
Odroid H3+. 64-bit x86 Intel Jasper Lake. Incredibly powerful single board computer.
New version of Wi-Fi module (v1.1) for IoT platform called BigClown
10 blinking kits for you and your children which you can solder during christmas days
DS18B20 Tester with Arduino
Meteo v3 - verstatile board with ESP12E/ESP07/ESP08
STM32duino (Arduino and STM32)
BigClown (IoT platform)
Build your own weather station with ESP8266
Sensors for your weather station
ESP32 and Arduino IDE
Barometer WiFi ePaper 2.9
Raspberry Pi 3B Plus
Banana Pi M2 Berry
Orange Pi Zero
Helpful tools for makers
Eagle CAD tips and tricks
STM32 development boards to $5 (supported in Arduino IDE)
How to begin with STM32 and why
Favourite Videos
How to set internet on Raspberry Pi 3B+
Review of Arduino Gravity shield and sensor boards
Eagle CAD - export fabrication gerber data (seeedstudio, allpcb, jlcpcb)
STM32 and I2C (Si7021) in CubeMX with Low-Layer API
DreamerNano v4.1 - alternative to Arduino Nano
Banana Pi M2 Berry - unboxing, boot, thermal imaging pictures
Unboxing of Arduino STAR - OTTO and how to upload the code
Unboxing of Orange Pi Zero
Eagle 8.0.0.
PROGRAMINO - IDE for Arduino
RPi controlling GPIO
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40 projects with Arduino
Raspberry Pi + Arduino = RaspiDuinoRover
STM32 MCU Nucleo
Arduino Based Security System using GSM & PIR Sensor
DIY Temperature & Humidity & Smoke Detector Alarm System Based on Arduino
Nucleo STM32L476 - high performance and low-power consumption
Graphical programming of Arduino
Raspberry Pi + Arduino + Bluetooth 4.0 + WiFi + Accelerometer + Magnetometer + Digital Gyroscope = UDOO NEO
STM32F746 Discovery
STM32F469I-DISCO before release
Arduino Weather Station
PROGRAMINO - IDE for Arduino
One sentence
Wio Link and RedBear Duo - kickstarter.com
Arduino Tian - arduino.org
50 interesting boards you?ll want to know about from 2015- Atmel, Arduino, SAM
LattePanda - Windows 10, Arduino microcontroller, Quad core, 2/4GB RAM, 32/64GB eMMC, BlueTooth 4.0, WiFi, USB3.0
STM32 Nucleo-144 (version with STM32F746ZG)
OpenRex: Open-Source Freescale i.MX6 Development Board With Arduino & Raspberry Pi Like Headers
Arduino M0 and Arduino M0 Pro
Intel? Quark? Microcontroller Developer Kit D2000
SUPEROLED8 - development board with ATMega32U4 and OLED display
Arduino Nano: Log GPS Information to MicroSD Card With Visuino
STMicroelectronics and Arduino - Arduino? STAR OTTO board
Arduino Create - IoT, cloud, web
PHOTOGALLERY: STM32F7-discovery - STM32F769 with display and ESP8266 supported
Fireduino: Dual-core Arduino board
Omega2: $5 IoT Computer with Wi-Fi, powered by Linux
RTL8710 - Alternative to ESP8266
Teensy 3.5 & 3.6
Codebender for ESP32/ESP8266 - kickstarter campaign
ESLOV - IoT kit
Time-of-Flight shield for Nucleo64 (photogallery)
Arduino in Eclipse IDE - Sloeber
WiLoader - WiFi programmer for Arduino (AVR)
ESP32 is supported in Arduino IDE
Codebender ends - Online IDE for Arduino
Programino IDE beta
CODINO - Alternative to Arduino IDE
Badgerboard - Arduino compatible LoRa? board
2016: stats of news, articles and videos
ESP32 and Arduino IDE - tutorial
Arduino STAR OTTO - photogallery
Kickstarter: FluoWiFi (ATmega644p and ESP32) and M2 Macchina
Photogallery: STM32L072 and LoRa Discovery
STM32 core is supported in Arduino IDE
Ultimate security of wireless networks is coming with the new IQRF OS v4.00
UPDATED: Sinovoip (BananaPi) released NB-IoT module
Arduino STAR OTTO - first setting and how to upload code
Mobillyo: Arduino + BLE + solar panel
STM32L4 and IoT development board
LEDUNIA - WiFi IoT development board
Arduino MKRFOX1200 - Sigfox IoT
Uno Dock v2.0 for NanoPi NEO/Air/NEO2
ESP32 and Arduino IDE
UPDATED: Banana Pi NB-IoT development board - use like arduino
CREATOR PRO - Ameba RTL8711 WiFI board for $8.80
Freematics - ESPRIT - ESP32 dev board
Espruino WiFi - $34.95
WIDO - Arduino Leonardo compatible WiFi board
Arduino LoRa shields - node and gateway
ESP32 and battery holder, TTgo Uno ESP32
ESP32 universal dev board by RobotikaBrno (CZE)
UPDATED: Olimex ESP32-EVB - ESP32, CAN, Ethernet and ES32-GATEWAY
M5Stack Core - ESP32
PICO: the smallest Arduino board (0.6x0.6")
Arduino MKR WAN 1300 and MRK GSM 1400
Dreamer Nano v4.1
SinoVoip - BPI LoRa
Atom X1 - really small board with SAMD21
CH340E - USB-UART converter for 0.99USD
My experience with WiDo WIFI node
Very small DC/DC converter 5V up to 1A
Pmods ? how to get started?
LattePanda Alpha and Delta with Windows 10 Pro
WisLTE - LTE Arduino shield (NB-IoT) for 39.00 USD
Meduino Mega2560 Pro Mini
Programmer of ATtiny4/5/9/10/20/40 from Arduino board
time4ee.com stats for 2017
Small power supply board with 3.3V/3A
About ESP32 and the FireBeetle development board.
BPI-Webduino:bit - Micro:Bit by SinoVoip
Gravity platform by DFRobot.com
Eagleye 530s single board computer with 1GB RAM, Gigabit ethernet, WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n and 4GB FLASH
IoT development pack - Sensor board and Gateway with STM32
STM32duino I. - How to start with STM32 like Arduino
Photogallery: STM32 discovery board and LTE module
ATMega328P clone - LGT8F328P by LogicGreen and development boards
Micro Soldering Station
STM32duino II. - control GPIO
STM32duino III. - How to use Serial (USART)
Development boards for CH55x microcontrollers
Really small ESP32 PICO D4 module for 4.70 USD
Two new Arduino boards are comming - Uno WiFi Rev. 2 and Vidor 4000 with FPGA
Original Arduino board with ESP32 (MKR WiFi 1010) and board for NB-IoT (MKR NB 1500)
A New version of "Tasker for Arduino"
Sony Spresense - development board with GPS, Glonass and camera interface
Create your own robot based on Arduino
Arduino IDE beta (1.9.0) contains Autocomplete feature
STM32F103 (Bluepill) and LoRa with RFM95 module
Updated: STM32duino III. - How to use Serial (USART)
Esparto v2.0 - Arduino library for fast development of alternative firmware for e.g. SONOFF
Update: EduBoard - education board with support in Arduino IDE
Arduino Pro LoRa Gateway with SX1301 chipset for 350 Euro
BlackFriday and CyberModay - for makers
The most popular articles for 2018
RemoteMe.org - control your Arduino and RaspberryPi from website
STM32duino is supporting STM8
TerraDome - tropical greenhouse with Arduino controling
Visuino - a new release of graphical programming tool
Jiri Praus - the handy man
STM32WB55 and Nucleo pack with Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 and IEEE 802.15.4 (pictures inside)
Power Shield 6plu6 T800 for Arduino (Nano, Uno, Mega) for controling of power devices
ATTO - the smallest Arduino compatible board
Augmented Reality for makers, Application Engineers and also PCB designers
How to learn with STM32? The answer to this question couldn't be easier.
19 development boards to 30? from manufacturer
STM32F746 discovery and AC6 (System Workbench for STM32)
How to begin with STM32 and why - tutorial
NodeMCU (ESP8266, ESP-12) + SHT75 + TMEP.CZ = Arduino meteostation
Maple Mini uploader v0.1
ESP12E (NodeMCU, ESP8266) + Si7021
Arduino STAR OTTO - first setting and how to upload code
ESP32 and Arduino IDE
WIDO - Arduino Leonardo compatible WiFi board
ESP32, SunDuino and temperature/humidity sensor Si7021 (HTU21)
ESP32, SunDuino - temperature/humidity Si7021 sensor and OLED 128x64px (I2C)
The board for weather station (meteostation) with ESP12E module (ESP8266, NodeMCU)
STM32 development boards to $5 (ebay and aliexpress)
My experience with WiDo WIFI node
Pmods ? how to get started?
Interesting sensors for your weather station
Christmas with BigClown - The first settings and review of modules
About ESP32 and the FireBeetle development board.
STM32duino I. - How to start with STM32 like Arduino
Online C compiler and debugger - how to speed up the development of your C code
STM32duino II. - control GPIO
STM32duino III. - How to use Serial (USART)
IoD-09 ... Internet of Displays for everyone
STM32duino IV. - Read temperature and humidity from Si7021 (I2C bus)
Development board with STM32F030F4P6 and programming (CubeMX and AC6)
About ESP32 and FireBeetle development board - I2S and Bluetooth
BigClown "Sensor adapter" versatile expansion board for sensors from ebay and aliexpress
Meteo v3 - verstatile board with ESP12E/ESP07/ESP08
ePaper 4.3" (800x600) with UART interface
Weather station with ePaper and weather data from OpenWeatherMap
Measure the CO2 with CozIR-LP sensor and ESP32