Banana Pi M2 Berry: first start, iperf, sysbench and thermal imaging picture
- August 18 2017
- Raspberry Pi, Cubieboard, Banana Pi, BeagleBone, Orange Pi
- 7077 Reads
Other articles about BananaPi M2 Berry:
Banana Pi M2 Berry: first start, iperf, sysbench and thermal imaging picture
Banana Pi M2 Berry: SATA interface and speed test (dd, hdparm, rsync)
Banana Pi M2 Berry: Your cloud service on your server - nextcloud
What you can see in this article? Benchmark (sysbench), test of ethernet and WiFi connection (iperf) and picture from thermal imaging camera.
Now are available three operating systems which support, Banana Pi M2 Berry. Ubuntu 16.04.1 and Ubuntu 16.04.2 both the mate. Next OS is Raspbian, which is based on Jessie. I chose Raspbian for my single-board computer by SinoVoip.
After downloading of OS you can copy the system on microSD card. After start, the red LED shines and the green LED is blinking.
SSH is available so you can log in to Banana Pi M2 Berry without problems.
login: pi
password: bananapi
You can use raspi-config program for configuration of Raspbian.
Benchmark of BPI-M2 Berry (sysbench)
About Allwinner V40 processor:
What is power of Banana Pi M2 Berry? This you see below.
Single core (900MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 450MHz SDRAM):
Comparison with:
Raspberry Pi 1 B+:
total time: 1318.93 s
max: 300.23 ms
average: 131.89 ms
min: 131.89 ms
Raspberry Pi 3 B:
total time: 477.06 s
max: 47.69 ms
average: 47.7 ms
min: 47.69 ms
Benchmark of RPi
Quad-core (900MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 450MHz SDRAM):
Comparison with:
Raspberry Pi 1 B+ (t?i vl?kna):
total time: 1321.49 s
max: 573 ms
average: 528.54 ms
min: 412.94 ms
Raspberry Pi 3 B:
total time: 119.47 s
max: 59.04 ms
average: 47.78 ms
min: 47.69 ms
Benchmark of RPi
WiFi & ethernet connection (iperf)
The owners of first version of Banana Pi didn't satisfied with speed of ethernet connection. The speed of BPI-M2 Berry should be around 1Gbps, but is it true?
The speed of connection test was tested by iperf. The server was desktop with gigabit ethernet interface.
The speed of WiFi 802.11 b/g/n is below.
Comparison with Raspberry Pi Zero W:
The picture from thermal imaging camera:
Is a heatsink cooler needed? Easily, if you have BPI-M2 Berry for undemanding applications so the heatsink cooler is not needed. For using like multimedial centrum or performance-intensive applications, the heatsink cooler is recomended.
Here is picture after a few minutes after boot.
Schematic of Banana Pi M2 Berry -
Banana Pi M2 Berry on aliexpress:
Do you have any idea what I can test? Share it on comments, thanks!