The cnx-software website shared interesting news about clone of ATMega328P called LGT8F328P microcontroller by LogicGreen.
The manufacturer promises 99% compatibility with popular ATMEga328P microcontroller by Atmel/Microchip.
What is the 1% uncompatibility nobody knows.
The manufacturer gives better parameters of microcontroller.
LGT8F328P contains DAC converter, High current push-pull PWM, PWM dead zone control, Stacking expansion system, Computing Accelerometer (DSC), internal voltage reference should be improved up to 0.5% instead of 1.5%. Maximal clock speed should be up to 32 MHz (16 MHz ATMega328P). Github of LogicGreen is here
The last commit is 6 months old (4.4. 2018).
8F328P microcontroller contains SWD interface which is used for programming of microcontroller.
The SWD programmer can be Arduino Uno.
The tutorial how to use Arduino Uno like SWD programmer is available on
Now, you can buy three development boards with LGT8F328P.
The first of them is EDMINI 8F328 which you can buy on electrodragon store.