Arduino STAR OTTO - first setting and how to upload code
- March 18 2017
- STM32F4, STM32F7, STM32L1, STM32F3, Nucleo, Discovery
- 4176 Reads
Maybe you read about a new board by STMicroelectronics and - Arduino STAR OTTO
Arduino compatible board with STM32F469 microcontroller.
In this article I describe you how to set your laptop, arduino IDE and how to upload your code to Arduino STAR - OTTO - OS Linux Mint.
At first, download Arduino IDE by
After the installation, you have to add *.rules file for dfu-util.
Use this script by Arturo Rinaldi for creating of rules for Arduino IDE.
Download which is available on github
Then, follow these commands
$ chmod +x
$ ./ YourUserName
Thanks Arturo Rinaldi for script and support.
Copy this code to file:
# Example udev rules (usually placed in /etc/udev/rules.d)
# Makes STM32 DfuSe device writeable for the "plugdev" group
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"
Copy 40-dfuse.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo cp /PathOfFile/40-dfuse.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Follow these commands
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
Reboot your laptop
Run IDE by and install the support for Arduino STAR - OTTO, go to Tools -> Board -> Boards manager, find Arduino STAR OTTO install it.
For uploading of your code you can use two ways. Through OTA (Over The Air) or through Serial.
Through Serial Tools -> Port
Use example code like blinking of LED. Choose right port. After uploading, LD13 will blink.
Programming through OTA.
At first, connect Arduino STAR - OTTO to power, connect your laptop to WiFi Access Point Arduino-Star-Otto
Write this IP address to web browser
Find your WiFi on website and write password of your WiFI network. You will see new IP address of Arduino STAR - OTTO.
On the right side of website click to Switch to STA mode buton
After automatic restart of Arduino STAR - OTTO you can see erro message. Don't worry.
Connect your laptop to your home internet network and write new IP address of Arduino STAR - OTTO to web browser. You see that is in STA mode, that's OK.
Getting started by
Unboxing and how to set