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Car PC project with Raspberry Pi
44 projects with Raspberry Pi
40 projects with Arduino
Raspberry Pi + Arduino = RaspiDuinoRover
BitScope Micro - Raspberry Pi Oscilloscope & Analyzer
Powerful single-board computer
Mathematica 10 Now On Raspberry Pi
Minibian - minimal Raspbian
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and Windows 10
Arietta G25 - rival of Intel Edison
Raspberry Pi 2, Windows 10 IoT
CHIP - 9$ single-board computer
Computer Vision (OpenCV) projects and Raspberry Pi
UP - single-board computer with Intel Atom X5 - Z8300
Raspberry Pi Zero #pizero for 5$
One sentence
PINE64 - single board computer with 64 bit quad-core CPU
Orange Pi One and Lite - alterative to #Pizero and CHIP computer
Comparison of SBC as Raspberry Pi Zero
OpenRex: Open-Source Freescale i.MX6 Development Board With Arduino & Raspberry Pi Like Headers
CONFIRMED! Raspberry Pi 3 - with Bluetooth LE and WiFi
WiFi for Raspberry Pi (ESP8266)
Banana Pi M2+: quad-core, 1GB DDR3, Gigabit ethernet, WiFi and Bluetooth
NanoPi-M2: quad-core, 1GB DDR3, WiFi, BT, Gigabit ethernet
RobinCore - ARM Linux computer with WiFi
BigClown - IoT modular system with cryptographic unit
CHIP computer: first sight and comparison with Raspberry Pi Zero - pizero
Smaller than small - Tiny Coin-Sized Raspberry Pi
CHIP computer: USB webcam
pcDuino4 - quad-core Cortex A7, 1GB DDR3, 10/100Mb ethernet
UPDATED: CHIP computer: USB webcam - take a photo and make a video
Marvell ESPRESSOBin - gigabit ethernet, USB3.0, SATA
UPDATED: Raspberry Pi compute module 3
Raspberry Pi Compute module 3 - TWO versions
UP? (UP Squared) - dual/quad core, up to 8 GB LPDDR4, up to 128 GB eMMC
Orange Pi Zero - about it and first boot
Raspberry Pi IoT Shield Family on Kickstarter
2016: stats of news, articles and videos
Release of Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3
SOPINE - PINE A64 compute module
NAS for Orange Pi Zero
Comparison of Raspberry Pi cameras
Raspberry Pi Zero W - with WiFi and BT (BLE)
Nano Pi M1 Plus - for $29.99 quad-core, Gigabit and WiFi&BT
LicheePi Zero for 6$, with WiFi for $8
Ultimate security of wireless networks is coming with the new IQRF OS v4.00
UPDATED: Orange Pi WIN - SBC for $25
OrangePi Zero Plus 2: OPi Zero with HDMI
GnuBee - make your own NAS
Orange Pi Zero Plus 2 H5 - quad-core Cortex A53
Orange Pi Prime and WIN Plus
Comparison of SBC's
BananaPi has own ZERO version of SBC
Banana Pi M2 Berry: first start, iperf, sysbench and thermal imaging picture
OrangePi R1 - two ethernet interfaces and H2+ processor
Zeroshell - configurable OS for Raspberry Pi and Orange pi through web browser
Banana Pi M2 Berry: Your cloud service on your server - nextcloud
Docking Hub for Raspberry Pi Zero
eBooks: Raspberry Pi Beginner's book and The Raspberry Pi Annual 2018
UPDATED: Orange Pi 4G-IoT LTE is available on aliexpress for 45 USD
PMOD HAT for Raspberry Pi
BigClown - Indiegogo campaign
3D Cases for you own NAS or Media centre - Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
IQRF Summit 2018
Eagleye 530s single board computer with 1GB RAM, Gigabit ethernet, WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n and 4GB FLASH
UPDATED: PoE HAT, Raspberry Pi 3B+ for 35 USD.
Raspberry Pi 3B Plus - Thermal images, CPU benchmark, current consumption, comparison with RPi 3B
Raspberry Pi 3B Plus - speed test of ethernet, WiFi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz through iperf
IQRF Wireless Challenge IV - Results
SUSE Linux and RaspberryPi
LoRa Stik - connect your RaspberryPi to IoT network
NanoPi M4 - single-board computer with USB C, WiFi a/b/g/n/ac, BT4.1, USB 3.0
Build IoT Gateway for TTN with OrangePi/RaspberryPi and mPCIe concentrator
UPDATED: Libre Computer: La Frite from 5 USD (kickstarter)
Don't spend your time of choosing of DVB-T2 tuner - use Raspberry Pi TV HAT (uHAT)
Update: RockPi 4 - powerful alternative to RaspberryPi with RK3399 CPU, WiFi 5, USB 3.0 and Gbps ethernet on the stock
Arduino Pro LoRa Gateway with SX1301 chipset for 350 Euro
BlackFriday and CyberModay - for makers
Steam Link app on RaspberryPi 3B / 3B+
The most popular articles for 2018 - control your Arduino and RaspberryPi from website
U/I power supply controllable from PC
RaspberryPi Compute Module 3+ (CM3+) from 25 USD (without eMMC) to 40 USD (32GB eMMC)
Install Windows 10 ARM on RaspberryPi single-board computer with unofficial app WoA
Pine H64 Model B - USB3.0, WiFi&BT, Gigabit ethernet (real pictures inside)
RockPi 4B - speedtest (2.4GHz, 5GHz, ethernet) and sysbench benchmark
PuTTY 0.71 - new release with solving of 8 security issues
Photogallery: Raspberry Pi 4B - 1/2/4 GB RAM, USB-C, 4K video - 35 USD
RaspberryPi 4B is not working with your USB-C charger? "We know".
Smartphone + Raspberry Pi Pico = portable oscilloscope and logic analyzer in one. Thanks Scoppy!
Raspberry Pi - LED Turn On/Off and Blinking
FTP with Raspberry Pi - anonymous and ftp-user
Samba - Raspberry Pi, Cubieboard, Banana Pi, Linux, Windows, Raspbian, Cubian
How to secure linux server
CHIP computer: first sight and comparison with Raspberry Pi Zero - pizero
NodeMCU (ESP8266, ESP-12) + SHT75 + TMEP.CZ = Arduino meteostation
CHIP computer: connection to WiFi, SSH, UART
CHIP computer: speed of USB, WiFi, current consumption and pictures from thermal imager
CHIP computer: flashing OS, python, LED and blinking of LED after boot
CHIP computer: USB webcam - take a photo and make a video
CHIP computer: I2C bus - AD7415 temperature sensor
Orange Pi Zero - about it and first boot
Orange Pi Zero - power consumption, thermal imaging camera, benchmark
Orange Pi Zero - other informations and expansion board
Banana Pi M2 Berry: first start, iperf, sysbench and thermal imaging picture
Banana Pi M2 Berry: Your cloud service on your server - nextcloud
Interesting sensors for your weather station
Cases (3D printing) for you own NAS or Media centre - Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Banana Pi
Raspberry Pi 3B Plus - Thermal images, CPU benchmark, current consumption, comparison with RPi 3B
Raspberry Pi 3B Plus - Speed test of ethernet, WiFi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz through iperf
UCS - enclosure that suits your needs
RockPi 4B - speedtest (2.4GHz, 5GHz, ethernet) and sysbench benchmark