FTP with Raspberry Pi - anonymous and ftp-user
- December 05 2015
- Raspberry Pi, Cubieboard, Banana Pi, BeagleBone, Orange Pi
- 2431 Reads
in the file /etc/vsftpd.conf find setting for vsftpd.
You can find setting for enable anonymous, allow log in from local users, enable any form off FTP write command, enable upload files from anonymous users etc:
if you don't install mcedit, you can use "nano" or you can install it:
after restart vsftd:
You can connect through SFTP protocol (for example FileZilla). I recommend it.
FTP with Raspberry Pi - anonymous user
make directory:
the directory has to have owner (now root), it changes to "pi" user:
edit the file vsftpd.conf
open the file:
if you don't install mcedit, you can use "nano" or you can install it:
in the file vsftpd.conf uncomment and change:
and add this row:
after it have to restart vsftpd:
FTP with Raspberry Pi - ftp user
make directory:
make new user (-d makes /home for user):
make password for user:
change owner from root to ftp-user /var/ftp
if you want to remove/delete this user, you can follows: