The STM32WB55 microcontroller is expected a long time, because this microcontroller combines usual microcontroller and RF communication interface.
If you read this news you also find a real pictures of Nucleo pack where is used STM32WB55.
At first, what is STM32WB55?
STM32WB55 combines microcontroller of STM32 family and also RF interface which supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.0 and also IEEE 814.15.5 (MiWi, ZigBee, aj.)
The main parts of microcontroller are two ARM Cortex core. ARM Cortex M0+ with frequency up to 32MHz, which is responsible for RF part and there is also ARM Cortex M4 with 64 MHz clock. The result of benchamrk test is 80 DMIPS.
Key specification:
The power consumption - v Run mode 50 uA/MHz, Stand-by 600nA
during RX mode - 3.8 mA (0 dBm)
during TX mode - 5.5 mA (+6 dBm)
SRAM - 128 kB, 256 kB
FLASH - 256 kB, 512 kB, 1 MB
Others info:
Security - AES 256 encryption unit
12/16-bit SAR ADC
capacitive touch controller
LCD controller crystal-less USB 2.0 FS
SAI audio interface
Quad-SPI supporting
And about Nucleo pack
As you could see, the power consumption is really low and hence, the Nucleo board can be powered only by CR2032 battery.
The board includes, as usual, ST-LINK/V2-1.
You can use Morpho and Arduino connectors for connecting of your board and shields.
PCB antenna is built-in on board and as well as SMA connector for external antenna is available there.
Two USBs - ST-LINK/V2-1 and USER USB.
The second board (USB dongle) contains RF module, PCB antenna and uFL connector.