LoRaONE: the LoRa? IoT development board is very popular project on kickstarter.com.
The board offers connecting your project with Internet of Things network.
The main components are SAMD21 32bit microcontroller, Ublox GPS module and LoRa? Microchip RN2483/RN2903.
Another part are RGB LED, LiPo charge controller, 3-axis accelerometer and magnetometer, LoRa? and GPS antenna connector and microUSB.
The size of board is very small - 40x25mm.
This board contains ATSAMD21G18 with Cortex M0+ core.
I/O Pins: 14, All can be used for digital, 12 for analog and 8 for PWM, plus UART, SPI and TWI (I2C)
Analog Output Pin: 10-bit DAC
External Interrupts: Available on all pins
DC Current per I/O pin: 7 mA
Flash Memory: 256 KB
EEPROM: Up to 16KB by emulation
Clock Speed: 48 MHz
LoRa? is amazing base for communication with world.