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Augmented Reality for makers, Application Engineers and also PCB designers
STM32CubeIDE - Eclipse IDE and CubeMX in one
ePaper 4.3" (800x600) with UART interface
Smartphone + Raspberry Pi Pico = portable oscilloscope and logic analyzer in one. Thanks Scoppy!
CH552 - the C51 microcontroleler for 0.3 USD and how to program it
Meteo v3 - verstatile board with ESP12E/ESP07/ESP08
STM32duino (Arduino and STM32)
BigClown (IoT platform)
Build your own weather station with ESP8266
Sensors for your weather station
ESP32 and Arduino IDE
Barometer WiFi ePaper 2.9
Raspberry Pi 3B Plus
Banana Pi M2 Berry
Orange Pi Zero
Helpful tools for makers
Eagle CAD tips and tricks
STM32 development boards to $5 (supported in Arduino IDE)
How to begin with STM32 and why
Favourite Videos
How to set internet on Raspberry Pi 3B+
Review of Arduino Gravity shield and sensor boards
Eagle CAD - export fabrication gerber data (seeedstudio, allpcb, jlcpcb)
STM32 and I2C (Si7021) in CubeMX with Low-Layer API
DreamerNano v4.1 - alternative to Arduino Nano
Banana Pi M2 Berry - unboxing, boot, thermal imaging pictures
Unboxing of Arduino STAR - OTTO and how to upload the code
Unboxing of Orange Pi Zero
Eagle 8.0.0.
PROGRAMINO - IDE for Arduino
RPi controlling GPIO
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Raspberry Pi 2, Windows 10 IoT
UP - single-board computer with Intel Atom X5 - Z8300
Wio Link and RedBear Duo - kickstarter.com
Wyzbee? - IoT platform
Atmel ultra-low power platform for IoT and wearable devices
10 best IOT Software Platforms
I-SEN1 - platform for Xbee with temperature, pressure, humidity and light sensor
LoRaONE: the LoRa? IoT development board
BigClown - IoT modular system with cryptographic unit
Omega2: $5 IoT Computer with Wi-Fi, powered by Linux
RTL8710 - Alternative to ESP8266
SiPy - Sigfox, WiFi, BLE
STM32 and LoRa? (photogallery)
Marvell ESPRESSOBin - gigabit ethernet, USB3.0, SATA
Codebender for ESP32/ESP8266 - kickstarter campaign
ESLOV - IoT kit
VoCore2 - 128 MB DDR2, 16 MB FLASH, WiFi
UP? (UP Squared) - dual/quad core, up to 8 GB LPDDR4, up to 128 GB eMMC
Raspberry Pi IoT Shield Family on Kickstarter
FiPy - next kickstarter project by pycom
2016: stats of news, articles and videos
UPDATED: ORANGE PI 2G-IOT - with SIM and WiFi/Bluetooth for $9.9
IQRF Summit 2017
Kickstarter: FluoWiFi (ATmega644p and ESP32) and M2 Macchina
Register for the IQRF Summit 2017 ? early birds prices available until the end of March only!
Photogallery: STM32L072 and LoRa Discovery
Ultimate security of wireless networks is coming with the new IQRF OS v4.00
UPDATED: Sinovoip (BananaPi) released NB-IoT module
STM32L4 and IoT development board
LEDUNIA - WiFi IoT development board
Arduino MKRFOX1200 - Sigfox IoT
Introduction of developers projects at the IQRF Summit 2017
ESP32 and Arduino IDE
Other ESP32 development board - Whitecat ESP32 N1 board
UPDATED: Banana Pi NB-IoT development board - use like arduino
CREATOR PRO - Ameba RTL8711 WiFI board for $8.80
WIDO - Arduino Leonardo compatible WiFi board
Arduino LoRa shields - node and gateway
UPDATED: Olimex ESP32-EVB - ESP32, CAN, Ethernet and ES32-GATEWAY
PHOTO GALLERY: STM32L4 IoT development board
Up Core - X86 quad-core, kickstarter campaign
2 tutorials with ESP8266 - WiFi expander/repeater and temp/hum sensor DHT11
The IQRF Summit 2017 witnessed real IoT applications
ESP32-PRO - IoT board with 4MB RAM and FLASH and external crypto unit
Arduino MKR WAN 1300 and MRK GSM 1400
Worldwide contest IQRF Wireless Challenge IV starts in October 2017
My experience with WiDo WIFI node
Bolt IoT platform
Bolt IoT - first example and settings
IQRF Summit 2018
WisLTE - LTE Arduino shield (NB-IoT) for 39.00 USD
time4ee.com stats for 2017
UPDATED: Orange Pi 4G-IoT LTE is available on aliexpress for 45 USD
BigClown - Indiegogo campaign
IQRF Summit 2018
Eagleye 530s single board computer with 1GB RAM, Gigabit ethernet, WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n and 4GB FLASH
IoT development pack - Sensor board and Gateway with STM32
Bigclown campaign is ending on Indiegogo
IQRF Summit 2018
Photogallery: STM32 discovery board and LTE module
IQRF Summit 2018
IQRF Wireless Challenge IV - Results
Original Arduino board with ESP32 (MKR WiFi 1010) and board for NB-IoT (MKR NB 1500)
BigClown VOC TAG
Orange Pi 3G IoT in two variants (256/512MB) RAM and (512MB/4GB) eMMC
LoRa Stik - connect your RaspberryPi to IoT network
Build you own IoT gateway with OrangePi and RAK831 module
BigClown - a new Core module
Soil Moisture Sensor by BigClown
Fish32 by AnalogLamb - Education board with ESP32
UPDATED: BigClown on Linux Mint (Toolchain installation and uploading of code)
STM32F103 (Bluepill) and LoRa with RFM95 module
Build IoT Gateway for TTN with OrangePi/RaspberryPi and mPCIe concentrator
ESP32-POE - WiFi/BLE/Ethernet development board by Olimex
Esparto v2.0 - Arduino library for fast development of alternative firmware for e.g. SONOFF
Olimex ESP32 DevKit LiPo with LiPo charger for 10 USD
Small but Powerful Internal Antenna
Cooperation in IoT as the key for a quick solution
A new line of ultra low-power STM32 microcontrollers - STM32L5
WiFi module for BigClown IoT platform
IQRF Summit 2019
New modules for BigClown IoT platform - GPS and Infra Grid
BlackFriday and CyberModay - for makers
BigClown Playground - multiplatform EverythingInOne
The most popular articles for 2018
BigClown "Sensor adapter" versatile expansion board for sensors from ebay and aliexpress
7 new modules with ESP32 on Olimex store
ESP32 VGA - tutorial for beginners
STM32WB55 and Nucleo pack with Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 and IEEE 802.15.4 (pictures inside)
Children are no longer sleeping in class, chickens prosper, and drugs do not spoil
New version of Wi-Fi module (v1.1) for IoT platform called BigClown
ESP32 and Arduino IDE
WIDO - Arduino Leonardo compatible WiFi board
My experience with WiDo WIFI node
Bolt IoT - first example and settings
Pmods ? how to get started?
About ESP32 and the FireBeetle development board.
Microchip's Ethernet solutions
The First Samples of BOXER Industrial Computer in Stock
IoD-09 ... Internet of Displays for everyone
Get OMNI in Just 15 Minutes
Secure data transfer with dual band WiFi module xPico®200
Small but Powerful Internal Antenna
WiFi module for BigClown IoT platform
BigClown "Sensor adapter" versatile expansion board for sensors from ebay and aliexpress
New version of Wi-Fi module (v1.1) for IoT platform called BigClown