Friendlyarm is known for development of single-board computers and it released a new board called Nano Pi DUO.
Nano Pi DUO, which dimension of board is similar with NodeMCU (DUO 25.4 x 50 mm vs. NoceMCU 25 x 48 mm), contains Allwinner H2+ (quad-core Cortex A7), the same like Orange Pi Zero, 256 or 512 MB RAM DDR3, XR819 module WiFi 802.11 b/g/n with on board antenna as well as u.FL connector for external antenna, on button, microSD card slot, 2x 16 pin headers and SPI FLASH (not mounted).
Peripherals like ethernet connection, USB 2.0, debug serial port, I2C, SPI, UART, CVBS display interface (composite output) and audio are connected to pin headers.
This compact device can be beatiful for a lot of makers. Here is MiniShield for another makers. Base board for NanoPi DUO.