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BigClown - IoT modular system with cryptographic unitPrint

IoT (Internet of Things) very well-known idea. You can find a lot of system, concepts and another.
On the world will be a few billion devices connect to internet network during a few years.

This new project is focused on secure communication and a lot of using.

The projekt BigClown is based on STM32L083CZ microcontroller by STMicroelectronics with random number generator with AES128. As the cryptographic unit is used ATSHA204 by Atmel company.
The board includes SPIRIT1 - SPSGRF-868 for communication - receiving and transmitting MQTT messages. These messages are compressed and crypted.

The concentrator can be used every computer like Raspberry Pi or Turris Omnia. The concentrator is device for receiving, transmitting, gate to internet and another functions.
As one member of team wrote: Concentrator is also used for very important KEY distribution for connection with device - is based on NFC

Software is available as open-source license like MIT and CC.

The main investor is Dalibor Dedek (Jablotron Group).

The first step is distribution to Turris owners (7/1/2016)
The second step is the official sale (9/1/2016)

websites: (in CZ)
Website of project:

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