Olimex added 7 new modules with ESP32 which supports WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity.
ESP32-WROOM-32D-4MB – this is equal to used by us ESP32-WROOM-32, it uses D0WD instead of D0WDQ6 which is with smaller size and Espressif recommend it for new designs.
ESP32-WROOM-32D-16MB has 16MB of Flash
ESP32-WROOM-32D-4MBHT is High temperature +105C module for demanding applications.
ESP32-WROOM-32U-4MB is with U.FL connector for external antenna
ESP32-WROOM-32U-16MB has 16MB of Flash
ESP32-WROOM-32U-4MBHT is High temperature +105C module for demanding applications.
ESP32-WROVER-4MB has 4MB Flash and 8MB of PSRAM.