Other interesting campaign on crowdsupply.com called Hornbill.
Development platform based on popular ESP32 .
You can buy Hornbill ESP32 Dev for $12.
The main component ESP32 module ESP WROOM 32 which is certified FCC, CE, IC, MIC (Telec), KCC, a NCC.
The board also contains USB-UART convertor CP21XX, 2x 19 pin header and charger of LiPo.
Board with circle shape also vontains ESP WROOM 32.
Minima includes circuit for charger of LiPo too.
Hornbill ESP32 Proto costs $15. The development board for Hornbill ESP32 Dev.
On the board you find microSD card slot, RGB LED, SHT 31 (temperature/humidity sensor), 6x IR transmitter a 1x IR receiver.