Popular WiFi and Bluetooth IC called ESP32 you can use in a lot of projects. For example like this.
ESP32 development board with camera interface and through this connector you connect the camera.
With these components, you can make QR scanner. Of course, the QR scanner is not only one possibility. This tutorial explains how to recognize some shape.
If you are able to recognize black line, you can use some feature from this project to NXP Cup and make autonomous car.
The author of this project used ESP32-CAM (Ai-Thinker) develpment board which contains camera interface.
The dev board is available on this store taobao or aliexpress for 6.60 USD + 4.17 USD shipping.
The tutorial also describes using of ESP-WROVER V1 instead of ESP32-CAM board..
The project were tested two camera modules. OV7725 and OV2640.